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At the start of the spring 2024 semester, K-State began to experience a disruption to certain network systems. Upon detection, university 1xbet online sports bettingIT took immediate steps to investigate the disruption, isolating the areas of concern. We are able to confirm that these disruptions were the result of a cybersecurity incident.

Information will be accessible from this page as it becomes available. Please note that any internal operational 1xbet online casinoguidance will be posted behind eID/password at the link below.

Learn the latest on the ongoing investigation as information becomes available.
K-State faculty, staff and students 1xbet online games loginmay log in with their eID/password to see the latest on IT systems and operational updates/guidance.

View frequently asked questions regarding the Jan. 2024 cybersecurity incident.

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It is critical that we 1xbet online sports bettingall remain diligent and follow cybersecurity best practices and trainings. If you notice anything suspicious as you engage with university technology:

  • Students: Contact the university IT Service Desk.
  • Faculty/Staff: Contact your departmental IT contact.